Friday, May 4, 2012

80's in April

It was 90 degrees today and it's only May 3rd!  The peas are done, so is the lettuce.  It's too hot to weed in the middle of the day!  April flew by me so fast.  I think that I was confused as to what month it was because of the weather. 

Being new to Texas springs, I'm still learning when to plant what and when to do certain projects.  Now I know, the earlier in the year, the better.

Mike made us a rainwater storage system.  We are hoping that it might put a dent in our water bill this summer, maybe. Galen and I put up the rain gutters mostly while Mike was out of town(he hates heights enough for both of us).  We had to rent a 28 ft ladder, because our 24 ft wasn't quite tall enough.  Wow, that was insane!  I'm not seeing Christmas lights on this house in our future!  Then, when Mike got home he helped us finish and did all the plumbing and the rest!  We now have about 550 gallons ready to water our garden.  It fills up all the way after one good storm.  We only put rain gutter up on half the house, too! 

Galen being "himself"

 A couple of other things that happened in the last month. Galen FINALLY had his Eagle court of honor, Yeah! Thanks to all of those who helped, sent cards, and mentored him over the years. Galen performed his first baptism on a young convert in our ward.  I'm so proud that he worthy and willing to do this wonderful thing.  The Missionaries are actually from Utah!  Galen goes and teaches with them quite often. 

Corwin came for a visit, so as you can imagine we crammed in as much family time as we could.  During his visit we got family pictures done by a wonderful woman in our ward.  I will get them posted and out soon, I promise!  Corwin got to go to Galen's court of honor, which meant a lot to Galen.  We sure have missed Corwin around here. 

It was also Easter while Corwin was here.  We carried out all of our traditions, then I whisked Corwin off to the airport!  We miss you!  It doesn't seem to matter how much we try, we can't quite replicate his unique laugh!!

Our friends, Bob and Alex flew down for Galen's Eagle as well. We enjoyed their company and tried to entertain them with some sites of Texas during all of the excitement.  Needless to say we went out to eat a bunch!  We also invited them to come with us to Medieval Times (show and dinner).  If you haven't seen it and are crazy about horses or renaissance, you should go!  I knew that Corwin and Madison would LOVE it and Bob and Alex were great company to bring along.  Fun places are even better with good friends!

The next week Galen had his "Mormon Prom".  Our stake has a dance for Priests and Laurels.  They encourage them to come as a group, not dates.  Our ward put on a really nice dinner for them at the church before.  A couple of mom's took pictures and a friend and I made corsages and boutonnieres.  They had a blast.  Isn't that fun!  Many of the kids choose this to be "their" prom instead of their schools.  I ventured out and finally bought Galen a suit for the event.  It made me cry!  He looks so grown up and like a missionary in his dark suit!

Homeschooling is going great and even through the frustrations, I'm so glad we made the decision.  I get affirmations everyday from my kids, that it is a good thing.  We went fishing with our PE group one day and had a blast.

Last of all I had my first Texas piano recital.  I have a few students and they all did very well.  I am excited to still be able to teach and share my simple talent with very eager students.

Also, this month we found out that our beloved Grandpa Jim has cancer.  Please say a prayer for him.  He is doing well through treatment and we are doing our part to keep him upbeat and happy.  We love you Grandpa!!

We love you all!  Remember to live your life to the fullest, every day!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Homeschool? What?!

Yeah, I'm not very good at this blog thing.  I do have an excuse, though.  Life is an amazing journey and ours is always changing.

 So for the sake of time I'll try and just touch on the big points and explain in later posts.
 - Thanksgiving - We had at a friends house here in Melissa, it was fun and wonderful!

Missy on the basketball team

Temple Square
 - Christmas - we participated in our ward nativity exhibit.
                    - Took in a lost Chiuaha, named him "Steve"
                    - Took a trip to Utah for a week!
 - Homeschool - Started off withdrawing Madison for health reasons and is now all of the kids.  Explaining this will take a whole blog on it's own.  Yes, I know it sounds crazy. Yes, I know many people don't agree.  It works amazingly for us.
 - Trip to San Antonio - Got to see the Alamo.  First "fieldtrip" for us.

 - Trip to Houston and Galveston island - Perks of homeschooled kids and a husband who travels.
                 We get to tag along sometimes and explore our new state.

Galveston Island

Well, that's us in a nutshell.  I will try and do better.  Marissa says that she'll make sure we do it!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's November, already?!

  My body is not understanding that it is November.  The leaves haven't fallen yet and it's about 75 degrees.  I hear snow stories from home as I kick on the AC for the little warmish days.  Things are greening up with the sporadic rain that we are getting.  I am really enjoying it here! 
  Halloween was fun!  We held our usual party with everyone invited inside for chili and scones.  We had several families show up, it was a blast!  Hopefully next year more people will find their way here.  It was nice to be able to see what the kid's costumes were, they didn't have to be hidden under layers of clothing to stay warm.  Hence, we didn't do the hot chocolate at our party, we had cold drinks.  Galen was a pirate and spent his time sword fighting the Missionary's in their Missionary ninja getup that he gave them.  Marissa was a hobo, which she is fascinated by.  Madison was Smurfette, blue face and all.  Mike and I were cave people.  Mike was very convincing as you can see!  Our ward had a chili cook-off and trunk or treat (I got 2nd place!). Galen had a costume dance.  We used our costumes quite a bit this year.
  Life is moving along.  I've been released as the YW secretary, boo-hoo!  I was just getting to know our amazing girls and enjoying myself.  I wonder what is next?
  Our highschool band made state for the first time.  Marissa is excited and she is really enjoying learning to march with them on the field already.  Piano lessons are fun, I love my students.
  OH, this week Madison hurt her back.  She's laid up until we see an orthopedic.  I'll keep you updated on that, of course.
  Well, it's a short one, but I wanted to keep the pictures updated.
Love to all!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Finally, the heat is gone!

  To start off, Yeah!  A record heat of over 70 days above 100 degrees and the driest summer on record for the state of Texas! The celebration is that it is OVER!  We are now enjoying our 75 degree days in October, with a thunderstorm once in awhile. 
     Mike, of course, has to stand and watch the weather as soon as he hears a clap of thunder.  The storms are truely awesome. The lightning fills the whole sky and when it rains, it comes down in sheets!  We are enjoying the novelty of it though.  I'm sure the neighbors think that we've never seen rain or something, the way my kids dance in it.  Hopefully nobody has seen Mike in his underwear in the middle of the night watching the storms in the doorway.  The weather has been so remarkable that Madison painted it for an art auction for the school.

  School started, of course and the kids are getting settled in quite well.  Everything is different here and it has been a bit of an adjustment period for all of us.  Not only are the kids at school for longer days, they are having to try and catch up on the ciriculum for the state.  Different things are emphasized here. 

  Over all, all of the kids are doing well.  Marissa DID make the volleyball team and so did 95 other girls.  It was great to watch her learn a new sport in a competitive arena.  Now she is trying out for the Basketball team, GO CARDINALS!!   Galen is doing well in school and with a little proding and pushing he is making friends, looking for a job and contemplating dating.  Early morning seminary has been the challenge for him.  5:30 am is very early to get up and be spiritual, but he seems to be doing well.  Madison loves her art teacher! She is growing into a wonderful artist and enjoys showing off her work.  The kids in class are starting to notice her talent, which pleases her immensely.  Social arenas are hard for her, but she is making friends and excelling. 
  Mike is quite the globe trotter these days.  His training is being requested all over the United States and even in Canada.  We really miss him when he's gone, it gets too quiet here.  He loves his work and is very good at what he does.  I am impressed by the way he is able to connect with people of all sorts and is able to teach them.
  As for me, well lets just say I've spent some time exercising my health insurance plan.  I now have a Pulmonologist, Nephrologist (Kidney dr), Neurologist and I'm supposed to have a Rhumatologist.  The good news is that I'm alright and again functioning decently.  The better news is that in this neck of the woods, they know what my disease is and actually HAVE other patients with it.  I'm starting to be older that my doctors, so it makes me feel old but their confidence comforts me.  Being closer to a large city does have it's perks.

  It was Marissa's 13th birthday on the 12th!  Yikees!  A real teenager.  She got a fish tank.  She named her gold fish "Steve" and "Stevey".  That's all I'll say about that!  She's a good kid and we are very proud.  We still are just worried that we are getting in her way.

  We also went to the state Fair.  The kids actually got a day off from school to go.  They also got free tickets.  We took the train and enjoyed the smells of fried food and lots of animals.  The fair here goes for a month and it is a huge deal!

  We also went to Six Flags.  We had bought tickets in May when we visited and weren't able to use them.  It was fun.  It was perfect weather and lines were short. We're talking about getting season tickets next year, they're only $59!  What a deal!

  We've had a couple of visitors this month and have had a ball!  Granee Marie came for a week, then my Mom and Kristy came for a long weekend.  We really miss you all!  We showed off our town and the surrounding area and spent lots of time chatting and eating. 

 Life is good and we feel very blessed every day.  Thank you for your prayers and love.
The Cranstons

Saturday, August 20, 2011

New Home Phone number

  Well, someone asked if I'm still keeping up this blogging.  I'm trying, really!  I thought I'd take a minute and update everyone while the kids are distracted playing their new game Just Dance 2.  I hear it that it's a great workout, I'll have to try it but only when no one is watching and the blinds are closed!
  We have been keeping very busy with our church.  We have made many new friends and are involving ourselves in activities and in the community. I have been called to be the YW secretary.  I am excited to get to go to the activities with Marissa (whether she likes it or not), and be involved with them.  Mike is teaching primary.  Somehow I've opened my big mouth and let it out that I like the Scouting program, which is BIG here, and am a merit badge counselor for that also.  
  Being a member all my life, I still have never understood the true meaning of the term "ward family".  I alway assumed it was the feeling of community or neighborhood that I had.  We were immediately overcome by that feeling of family.  People here have taken us in, they take care of each other and love each other for the good or bad.  Now I understand.
  Madison's birthday was at the end of July.  It was fun.  We were nervous because we had just moved here and that no one would come.  Everyone that was invited came!  She was very happy!  We went to see the Smurfs movie and had a homemade horse pinata and horse cake.
  We were very happy that Galen could get home a couple of days before Madison's party.  She actually postponed her party a week so that he could be there.  It's a little louder around here, but definitely more fun!  His sisters even hugged him and admitted they missed him!   
Mike got a couple of tickets to a Cowboys and Broncos pre-season game.  I wasn't feeling up to the loud screams of thousands of people with warm beer swarming shoulder to shoulder in a testosterone filled stadium, SO Marissa was excited to go with him. It was an experience, they said AND the Cowboys WON!  Sorry, Grandpa Tony! Other than that we have been just getting ready for school.  Shopping and filling our endless amounts of paperwork for the cross-state transfer of credits.  We were AMAZED when we didn't have to pay for registration for our high school and jr high school students.  The list of school supplies that we had to buy almost made up for it though.  The school lunch is almost twice what it is in Davis county, BUT they actually make it on site and I'm hoping that my kids will actually enjoy it.  
  Some other differences are that the high school students start school and almost 9 o'clock! and the intermediate(5th) starts at 7:50!  backwards!  High school lets out at 4:20, though.  It makes it tough for them to get  an afterschool job, but way easier on me trying to get them up in the morning!  My 5th grader is not so happpy about it though!  The bus comes at 6:50!  wow!  What a wake up call!  
  Missy is trying out for the Volleyball team on the first day of school!  GO MISSY!  We bought knee pads and a ball already, we already know in this small town her chances of getting on the team with her winning attitude and talent!  Go Cardinals!  YEAH black and red! 
  Some of you have heard that I'm not feeling too well again.  Don't worry!  Please.  Nothing major just the usually headaches and weakness.  We have a dr's appt next week and I promise I'll try and update the blog and facebook.  Our phone numbers are starting to change.  Our mobile #'s are the same for now, but our Texas home number is now 972-837-1240.
  We love y'all!  Have a good one!  
  The Cranston!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

We're getting settled!

Well, most of the boxed are unpacked.  Food has been cooked in the kitchen. Friends have been made.  We seem to be getting settled!  We are loving our little town and are trying to involve ourselves in different activities.  We went to the parade, carnival and fireworks.  Things are definitely different here. 
  The biggest difference is that it is HOT!!  It averages about 95 degrees here with humidity, of course.  It doesn't ever cool off much at night, but once it does it seems that everyone come outside for a walk.  I'm sure that I won't be whining after another month.  Then, in the winter when my garden goes in, it'll be fun!
  Ceiling fans are a MUST have here, so that was our first purchase for the house and are busy installing them in most rooms.  You can keep your thermostat at 78 and still be quite comfortable.  I never thought that I would be able to stand it that warm in my house, but the bills dictate that! 
  I am having fun learning about all of the different things that I can grow here and am realizing that I don't have a big enough yard for it all.  Gardenias, magnolias, dogwood trees, pecans, almonds, even citrus.  Which one, which one?  Gardening is a whole different animal, so I'm trying to take advice from the locals.  We'll wait until we can bear being outside awhile until we transform our yard.   Blueberries, tomatoes, pears and gardenias are on the for sure list.  Garden boxes will also be for sure.  The rest we are still redrawing.
  We are missing Galen and Corwin!  Corwin is working at a candy company right now, packaging.  He seems mostly excited about the ice cream machine in the break room.  Hopefully he will keep up the good work.  Galen is trying to finish up his paperwork for his Eagle advancement for scouts.  That is sure fun to try and help do long distance.  Both boys went to the Centerville parade with my mom and said that they enjoyed it a lot.  We missed the fun, it was sure different for us. 
  Marissa went to our stake girls camp for a few days.  They had to cut it short because of heat and timing.  They stayed in tents in 100 degree weather.  She saw her first lightening bugs and was very aware of water moccasin snakes and poison ivy that was everywhere.  She had a great time and made friends with several of the girls.
  Madison also has made a couple of friends and has spent quite a bit of time with them.  She seems surprised to how much they have in common. 
  Overall, we are doing well.  We miss family and friends but are adjusting well.   
We love you all!
The Cranstons

Monday, June 13, 2011

Boxes, Boxes and more Boxes!!

  I'm tired of packing, so I suddenly decided that it was crucial to update our blog!  We've gotten almost everything packed up and are anxiously awaiting Mike and the moving truck which are due in tomorrow.  Why do we have SOOO much junk?  We've moved so much that you would think that we had gotten rid of most of it?!!  No, simplify, simplify.
  Since we are going a fair distance and need to consolidate, seriously if we have it and you want it, come get it!!  We don't have much but it seems to take up a lot of room. 
  To get a hold of us, when we finally get out of everyone's hair, we have a couple of options.  One, call us!  Yep, phones work both ways.  Two, write us.  Email, paper and pen, etc.  Three, skype.  For those old-timers, ask a teenager they'll know.  Our usernames for skype are "themelaniecranston" or "themikecranston".  It's a fun way to see who you are talking to and showoff anything going on.  It helps us stay connected to Mike and his comedian style while he is away.
  Our computers will be sporadic at best until we get settled, but we'll try and let everyone know that we arrived safe and well.
  Thank you to all of our friends and family that have wished us well and encouraged our big adventure.  We feel very loved and missed already.  But remember, we are NOT dying OR falling off the planet.  Our doors are always open for visitors, travelers and people just passing through who need a place to crash.

With love,
The Cranstons